Funded Acaa projects
As part of its mission to promote Amazigh heritage, the Amazigh Cultural Association in America (ACAA) has been sponsoring and funding projects in Algeria and Morocco, and more recently in Tunisia, for over a decade. What began as a small endeavor to help Tamazight writers, by purchasing books from them directly and selling them to members, quickly evolved to include the purchase of hundreds of books, from an ever-growing authorship, and donating them to local schools, village libraries, and cultural associations. Over the years, both the number and the variety of projects funded grew to encompass documentaries, a literature prize, and an Amazigh culture summer camp, to name just a few. Below is a summary of some recent projects.
Tawes Amrouche Literary Prize
ACAA has contributed to the efforts of the Amazigh-Canadian foundation Tiregwa at encouraging Amazigh literary production in Algeria. For the last two years, ACAA has co-sponsored the newly created Tawes Amrouche Prize for children’s books in four age groups. Additionally, ACAA has committed to purchasing a selection of books from the runner-ups for distribution to various educational and cultural entities.